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The martyrdom of Jeremy Clarkson


One balding, loudmouth Englishman writes about a one-eyed Scottish idiot.

Gordon Brown is Scottish. Gordon Brown is one-eyed. These are both facts.

Gordon Brown is an idiot. This is an opinion.

Gordon Brown is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. This is a fact.

Jeremy Clarkson is under a contract of employment to the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) or, an associated production company. This is a description of employment.

The British Broadcasting Corporation is funded by the government which is currently led by Prime Minister Gordon Brown. This is a fact.

Jeremy Clarkson has apologised for his two recent statements of fact but is standing by his debatable opinion. This is a fact too.

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  • Daniel Hoffmann-Gill

    To be a true martyr doesn’t he need to meet a terrible fate?

    Form an orderly queue people…

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