Perhaps the Prime Minister David Cameron’s Big Society means the sort of young and engaged population that countries across the middle east are presently experiencing. News coverage of President Mubarak’s attempts to intimidate the crowds in Tahrir Square in Cairo provided the idea for this cartoon which was made for Tribune magazine.
The PM recently revived a mouldy oldie of political messaging – There is no alternative – to justify the speed at which spending cuts are being imposed on local government and the institutions of civil society. The soundbite used to belong to former Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Wishing luck to the many events for the Save Our Libraries campaign who are busy this weekend.
And to those battling to save Citizens Advice Bureau services for people in need of help with debt (and more).
Reading and watching: Al Jazeera English for news from the Middle East and North Africa.
Making: Video cartoon: There is NO Alternative © Matthew Buck Hack cartoons