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Cartoon: Summer holiday in a British children’s home


© Matthew Buck Hack Cartoons for http://tribunecartoons.com

The summer has been characterised by revelations and repetitions of stories concerning state run children’s homes. The ‘highlights’, if they can be called such, concerned the town of Rotherham and Sir Cliff Richard. The remainder noted in the cartoon were even older, just as long lasting as the Rotherham tale (displayed in the Jay report) and were also quite as foul. The attempts to disclose the full story in many of these cases continue.

Perhaps the overarching parliamentary inquiry with cross-party support will help although it still lacks a chair and a remit from the Prime Minister at the time of writing.

Updated: 4th September 2014 – Undisclosed victims volunteering information to the police, broader analysis of Rotherham in Communitycare.co.uk and a ‘Wall of silence’ from The Morning Star Online.

Updated: 5th September 2014Fiona Woolf, the present Lord Mayor of the City of London will be the new head of the inquiry into historical sex abuse. You can read more about here career as a corporate lawyer and as a former President of the Law Society here.

Updated: 1st November 2014Fiona Woolf has resigned as the Head of the inquiry following a prolonged storm about her social connections with former Home Secretary Leon Brittan who has been frequently named as an important figure in some of the more high profile allegations.

Updated: 2nd March 2015 – Serious case review on Oxford reported in The Guardian.

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