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Cartoon: The campaign for the Scottish independence – Referendum 2014


© Matthew Buck Hack cartoons

The #indyref campaign is almost over but the effects will be with us for a long time, whatever the result. Despite the rather jaundiced view I have taken above in the cartoon, turnout is expected to be very high – well over 80% with many confirmed non-voters turning out. This may reflect the fact that there is something clear to vote for and against.

Claire Bolderson reporting from #indyref

The FT’s John McDermott sums up the state of the polls with less than one week to go.

John McDermott of the FT on the Referendum state of play with one week to go

The paper also offers what seems a plain speaking analysis of the situation whatever the result. (Registration may be required to read it).

The cartoon borrows from the prime minister’s recent soundbite and the fine Irvine Welsh book and subsequent film, Trainspotting, directed by Danny Boyle and produced by Andrew Macdonald. In fact, while we are doing popular culture from Scotland, let’s take in a little of this – it being good for the soul. Get it right next time by Gerry Rafferty.

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  • Mark Excell

    Better than a lot of the cartoons this side of the border. I think its a sad day Spitting Image has gone and shows like Newzoids, just don’t cut it in the same way. Long live free speech.

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