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Good Luck at Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival 2016


Luck © Matthew Buck Hack Cartoons

For the first time in more years than I care to remember I won’t be attending the annual Shrewsbury Cartoon Festival. Personal regrets aside, the event looks set to be a cracker running as it does this year, a theme of Luck.

A subject closer to the heart of professional mickey takers could hardly be found. the laughing, the exhibitions and the live drawing should be spectacular altogether.

You can download the full guide to the weekend long live event from here (PDF). or, if you cannot get there do follow the event in real–time using Twitter and the @ShrewstoonFest account – https://twitter.com/ShrewsToonFest.

Shrewsbury Cartoon festival 2016 - the theme this year is LUCK

The theme this year is LUCK.

Who could resist an offer like that?

If you can get there, do and enjoy mixing with the cream of the UK’s professional cartooning talent in the wonderful venue of the Shropshire market town.

And better yet, the exhibitions from which the cartoon at the top is taken are on for several weeks after the event too!


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