The ‘heroic’ Prince Harry has returned to a ‘land fit for heroes’ after his second tour of duty in Afghanistan.
The country is frozen and without economic growth despite the efforts of the porky controller and his chief engineer in the signal box.
Updated: 7th August 2014. The country has achieved an estimated return to growth in Gross Domestic Product ie. that the amount of economic wealth produced by the end of July 2014 exceeded that of January 2008 (the point at which the recession/depression is widely acknowledged to have started to appear in official statistics). The FT has a report here (registration may be required).
Updated: 12th February 2015: A simple wonderful picture caption from The Western Daily Press newspaper. Splendid expression on the Chancellor’s face.
Extracted from Tobias Grubbe for 7th January 1713
A look back at some of my work from the year of 2012
To all – and what a wonder year it was for Bradley Wiggins, the first British winner of the insanely difficult Tour de France.