The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 23rd May 1711 is published at this window. His patron is Journalisted from the Media Standards Trust where you may read all about them.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 23rd May 1711 is published at this window. His patron is Journalisted from the Media Standards Trust where you may read all about them.
It is difficult to express opinions under the rule of law even with the seemingly easy distribution of social media. The government is keen to get a hold on these channels as well.
Updated: 15th June 2015 – After the General Election of 2015, the newly elected majority Conservative government is reintroducing its Communications Data Bill, the so-called Snoopers Charter.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 16th May 1711 are published at this window. His patron Journalisted where you may read all about them
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 9th May 1711 are published at this window. His patron is Journalisted where you may read all about them.
The Daily Telegraph also published a selection of images from Grubbe’s opinions in celebration of one year of the Coalition government this week.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for the 3rd May 1711 are published at this window. His patron Journalisted from the Media Standards Trust where you may read all about them
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 26th April 1711 is published at this window, his patron Journalisted from the Media Standards Trust where you may read all about them.
There is a lot of focus at present on the prospects for the Euro, the European currency. This is because of the debt crisis in some of Europe’s smaller states, Ireland, Greece and Portugal.
However, until yesterday (Reuters link), there had been much less attention in the UK media about the debt crisis in the United States of America.
This link reveals that more than thirty of the fifty US states (in many cases much bigger economies than the named European countries – ProPublica link) are thought to be bankrupt and existing only through loans from the federal (national) government and with money created by the Federal Reserve Bank.
This process is roughly equivalent to the help that the European Union and the European Central Bank is giving (also on terms) to Ireland, Greece and Portugal.
Both the European and American authorities have been dealing with these debt problems by massively increasing the supply of paper money (through so-called Quantitative Easing. This devalues and dilutes the value of paper money already in circulation and makes goods and services more expensive for consumers and companies.
Numbers are tricky things but as the drawing indicates these money gushers, in Europe, America and here in the UK are a desperate policy endorsed and employed by desperate government authorities on either side of the Alantic.
If you know better please tell me how in the comments below. Thanks for reading.