Arguments over whether Colonel Gadaffi of LIbya is a legitimate target for assasination / murder / or, death in war reminded me of this cartoon I made about the long relationship between the United States of America and Fidel Castro of Cuba. I made it back in 2008.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 14th March 1711 are published at this window. His patron Journalisted where you may read all about them.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 7th March 1711 are published at this window. His patron Journalisted where you may read all about them.
Financial bonuses for Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive Stephen Hester and his directors have been reported this week. The bank is almost entirely owned by the government of the UK on behalf of its taxpayers. The Telegraph report linked above indicates that many of the bad debts incurred by the bank are approaching ‘maturity’ or the point where they need to be repaid or renegotiated.
Updated 3rd September 2015 – Among the results of the civil war following the fall of colonel Gaddafi in Libya has been mass migration across the meditterranean into southern Europe. The flows of people are large and constant and have been fed from sub-saharan Africa and the chaos resulting from the post-coalition invasion of Iraq and the associated collapse of Syria.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe for 28th February 1711 are published at this window. His patron Journalisted where you may Read All About Them.
One of the most popular ways for national governments to deal with the massive debts left to them by the work of the financial industry is devaluing the national currency. The New York Times newspaper has a very good article explaining some the choices facing America (and the rest of the world) as a result. The last four paragraphs, looking to blame and the future, ring particularly true to me at the time of typing.
The chaos of change continues across North Africa and the UK government is in trouble about its apparent tardiness in extricating British nationals, many of whom are employees of the global oil firms. The clipping above is from a larger drawing.
The Opinions of Tobias Grubbe is published at this window. His patron Journalisted where you may read all about them.