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Caricaturists and characters – Sarah Palin and Boris Johnson

Sometimes a character walks into public life who could make a collection of cartoonists stand up and cheer. Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska in the United States is one of those.

Cartoon caricature of Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, election running mate of the Republican Party candidate for the Presidency of the United States, Senator John McCain of Arizona. Drawing by Matt Buck Hack cartoons. Copyright and all visual rights: Matt Buck

How long her spell in the political spotlight will last is hard to tell, especially in view of the stories now freely circulating about her short, but, apparently, colourful life. But, she has made for some happy caricaturists across the globe. Life just sort of bursts out of her.

Palin reminded me of a picture a friend of mine sent recently of one of Britain’s very own characters, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson. He makes a very fine companion to a Cotswold Lion sheep. Hat-tip going to Steven Mathieson for the photograph.

Cartoon caricature of Boris Johnson, mayor of London and a sheep. Artwork by Matt Buck Hack cartoons. Copyright and all visual rights: in the drawing (on the right as you look at it): Matt Buck. Copyright in the photograph (on the left as you look at it) Steven Mathieson

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